I got hooked on essential oils last year. They are good for everything from aches and pains (topical use) to making the house smell great (diffuser) to adding to the flavor of your favorite foods.But I am not all that skilled in working essential oils into my dog routine. I have a great sister-friend who has made me some salves and sprays for my dogs that help with healing and ease irritation, but I didn\’t have anything to help with calming them when they get upset. Both are not fond of fireworks or other random noises (like pine cones falling on my roof, but that\’s another story) and of them both, my girl is most nervous.I found this product called Calm Gold, a topical ointment that is infused with essential oils like lavender (which is great for calming, even for people!). It is easy to use — a bit in the palms rubbed on the pet in places like chest or behind the ears. That\’s it!The first time I put it on my dogs, they wanted to eat it. I didn\’t let them because dogs, especially mine, can be very sensitive to everything. After the initial excitement of being rubbed with something so yummy-smelling, they both settled down. It wasn\’t like they were drugged but that they were …Â content. While I imagine that there is no substance that can keep them from making a fuss when a noise disturbs them (and after all, what dog parent wants a dog who won\’t give an alert when something seems amiss?), Calm Gold settled them down. They listened more attentively it seemed when I told them that everything was all right.If you have a nervous pet or one who has occasions of upset, like during 4th of July fireworks, check out Calm Gold. It smells great on my dogs and the lavender extract helps my calm just as much as it helps theirs.A pretty good bargain at a reasonable price, if you ask me.If you are looking for other pet-related products like dog beds, crates, kennels or playpens, or need to check pet-related product reviews, visit Dog Product Picker!
You can actually get plug-in defusers to calm animals who are nervous. There is also a “hug-me-tight” that you can put on your pet when there are thunder storms or fireworks going off. It has the same effect as holding your pet in your arms.
I wasn’t aware of the diffusers specifically for pets but the ‘hug-me-tight’ I did know. I had them for when the pups were little but the big ones are expensive! My girl, who is the most nervous, is 60lb. Even when she was small the jacket didn’t do well for her — I think having something wrapped around her was annoying 🙂 My boy just grew too quickly.